Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday Must Have-Need tips for school

So, I need your advice.  I don't know how anyone every gets their kids to school on time.  Recently, my son joined a playgroup that meets on Mondays at 9.  We are late every single time.  Only by 5 minutes but late is late.  He tends to sleep in on Monday mornings since he doesn't get a nap due to our church schedule on Sundays, so I realize that I just need to wake him up sooner.  Also, not having the twenty minute tantrum that I came to get him instead of Daddy would help too but I don't really see that going away anytime soon. 

So, what are some of your tricks on getting your kids out the door so you can be on time?

1 comment:

  1. When you figure out the secret let me know.
    I feel like it's a mad dash no matter where we are going. Our family mantra is, "Hurry! We're late!"
