Wednesday, April 4, 2012

WIWW: Do I Dare?

The other morning I was determined to wear a skirt.  But these days I seriously alternate between my four striped maternity shirts from Old Navy that I LOVE.  Gotta have one in every color, right?  Plus, the shirt that I had planned to wear with skirt fit but not as well as I would like.  I tried on this outfit and I need your opinion.

I know different patterns on patterns is in but I just couldn't do it.  To me it looked a little odd.  Even though the shirt was the right colors in the skirt I felt weird.  Maybe it was my old matchy patchy self coming back or maybe it is really odd.  Anyway, I didn't wear it.  I ended up wearing the other boring, blue, didn't fit quite right shirt I had planned that. 
 Could I pull this off one day?

Linking Up:
Momma Go Round
Pleated Poppy


  1. I vote no, but then you inherited match patchy from me.

  2. I have no idea how long ago this was posted. I am 26 from UK. I think it looks nice. Perhaps there are better things out there to put with the skirt than the striped top but you make it work by putting the cardigan over and then the necklace reflects the blue stripe in your skirt so they match and your eyes are drawn to those rather than anything else. I am surprised how you made it work. You do look great in anything judging by the pictures I have seen.x
