Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday Plus-Nov. 4th

Here is some of this week and last week happenings.

Here she is...FINALLY in the ground.  I'll be honest, my husband and I disagree on this but for now (hopefully not for long) is how it will be.  Please keep your fingers crossed he will want it even with the ground like me. :)  Don't judge, our winter lawn is being put in as I type so it won't look this ugly.

Every Thursday we go to Kids' Club at the mall for singing time, playing, Chickfila, and free carousel ride.  I'll be honest I usually just go for the Chickfila and that it is a practically free outing.  Duper rode in the elevator with us so we had to grab a picture.

My son loves the bouncy house.  Good thing has gotten to enjoy them three times in the past two weeks.  It has been at several parties we have gone to and we also went with some friends and spent a few hours jumping away.  He was in little boy heaven.

My week isn't complete without a trip to Chickfila.  I told you I was addicted. This was last week. :)

My son sure loves this machine.  Not sure why but I don't plan on putting money in it.  It is like those little rides at Walmart.  He has NO clue they move and I would like to keep it that way.

My son got invited to a Happy "Owloween" party.  It was fully equiped with a lesson on owls, bingo game, treats, and games.  And don't forget two/three year olds.  The mom is super woman and we got to leave them there for an hour.  I kinda didn't know what to do with myself but don't worry I figured it out. :) When I picked him up he couldn't stop talking about owls.

I'm taking a class for credit for my recertification hours as a teacher.  It is called Positive Discipline.  I am really enjoying it.  I'll be honest, I'm a Love and Logic fan all the way but there are some great concepts that I want to implement with this program.  Who says you can't mix and match?

Linking up:


  1. Yes, the tramp needs to be even. :) I wish I could take Pos. Disc. with you. It is on my list.
