Friday, January 27, 2012

Blog Book

Sorry I've been kind of MIA lately.  I've either given in to my urge to sleep while my son is taking a nap or working on my blog book from Blurb.  I turn my family blog into a book every year so it is like a journal.  We love looking back at year's past.  Since I don't really print out pictures it is nice to have something to read and look at pictures in.  In fact, my son and I looked at pictures of when I was pregnant with him and when he was a baby.  He loved it!

So, excuse me if I'm absent a bit.  I have to get this done ASAP.


1 comment:

  1. From what I hear you can go to and it's WAY easier than blurb....might save you some time, especially when there are 2 little babies to get into everything! I've never tried it, I need to though! Good Luck!
