Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Potty Training Woes

We have just started Week 2 of potty training around here.  Things are going okay.  I need to give my son credit where credit is due.  He got it half way through Day 1 with #1 but we are still struggling with other parts.  Let's just say I've become quite the cleaner-upper of things I don't care to clean up.  Sigh.  I don't see getting a dog in our near future.  Maybe in 10 years!

I just wanted to share with you where I got some of my material in case you are in the same boat as I am.....going crazy!  I loved this website Three Day Potty Training.  It gave me great things to say/do with my child.  I love it!  Plus, it didn't take long to read at all.  You do have to pay $25 to get the ebook but it is well worth every penny.

I have survived one week but we are restless to leave the house.  We are going to adventure to some stores this week but still keep low.  We have been to a few restaurants and an all morning outing with outhouses and he did great.  And I forgot a long car ride.  It is when he gets busy playing with cousins where he forgets to tell me.  Well, he just hasn't quite figured out how to signal that part of his body yet.  So, both times we have been with family or friends it has been a pooping fest!  Not going to lie.  It's horrible but I guess one day he will get it, right?

Any suggestions on this would be helpful.  Thanks in advance.

1 comment:

  1. My biggest advice is to remember that he needs you to act like him going to the bathroom is the greatest thing ever (Everytime!). I think too often we stop praising too early and they lose interest.Also, when I leave the house, I put on plastic pants over his underwear. That way, if he has an accident, he still feels it but it doesnt' go everywhere. They will have accidents for awhile - it's normal. Don't give up!!
