Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Year's Resolution

I'm a little late in the game about posting some of my resolutions but this week it became apparent that it is for sure my goal.  I have many goals but I will share two with you:

1-Be nice!

I need to train my brain to just think of others instead of myself all the time.  I'm not very good at just thinking, "Oh, I should do that for someone" or "I should take them dinner or take their kids."  Call me selfish but I need to be better at it.  This week at church we talked about Loving Thy Neighbor and it confirmed that I really needed to focus on this goal this year.

2- Get more organized.

I'm a pretty organized person anyway but I need to be more organized.  There are a few things on my list of things to organize that need to happen soon or I'll go crazy.  First up, the pantry.  I want to train my son to get his snacks by himself so in the next year if I can't leave my couch for various reasons, he is set.  My neighbor suggest I go to Pet Smart because they have things used for that. Ha!  It gave me a good laugh.  I guess I do sound a bit crazy but just you wait.  It will come in handy.

What are your goals?

1 comment:

  1. One of my friends has a specific 'bin' in the pantry which is full of 'snacks'. If the kids are hungry they can go to that 'bin' and get whatever they want. She stocks it with granola bars and sometimes other things, pudding, cheezits. I think she has a similar spot in the fridge for string cheese/yogurt.

    Still working on my goals but one is to get some of my outstanding craft projects done and try to do better with cleaning the house!
