Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Don't forget to stretch!

Everytime I take a fitness test or to determine your real body age through your fitness test, I always come up short in the flexibility department.  I've never been flexible.  I took dance my whole life yet still wasn't able to do some amazing things because my darn legs just wouldn't do it.  I had the desire and the picture in my mind but somehow my leg didn't catch onto my dream.

Enter yoga.

I LOVE yoga.  I love the mind/body connection, not to mention the great stretching.  I'm still really not that flexible so I love it because every week I feel that I'm improving in that area of fitness.

Have I mentioned that I am not flexible? 

Anyway, I used to attend the class at my gym on Tuesdays but my husband has to now leave early on MY YOGA day, of all days, so I haven't been able to go.  I have had to resort to running in the neighborhood.  Once in a blue moon I get to do yoga (like last week) and I'm reminded of how much I love it.

I just have a slight problem.  I don't have a good video.  P90x is the only yoga video I own but I'm not a fan.  It doesn't have the mind/body connection I like.  Any suggestions?


  1. Maybe that is why I don't like Yoga. I have only ever done it at home with videos. I never seen to think it is as great as people say. Oh and I too am very tight and not flexible. All three of my children are the same. I think some of us are born that way. Kellie took dance for years and I don't think she could ever do the splits.

  2. Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown is my favorite!!! You should try it. I do it at home and love it. My girls even join in! Nothing is the same as a live teacher, but if you have to do it at home, this is a great one. A friend recommended it to me this summer, you'll have to let me know if you try it!
