Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday

This week was a pretty boring week for me (outfit wise).  I can't win them all, right.  But we were able to get out of this blistering heat and head to the mountains to a cabin.  It was so fun and very difficult to leave. Hopefully, this next week I have cuter outfits and better pictures to show.  My face is blocked out on the second one.  But I thought it was kind of cool.  Plus, I have no shoes on.Sorry for lame pics/outfits. :(

Shirt: Marshall's, skirt: thrifted, shoes/necklace: ???

Shirt: Old Navy, pants: Marshall's or Ross

I can't remember where I got any of this except for necklace (Old Navy) and striped undertee (Shade). Oh, and don't forget the TOMS shoes.

I'm linking up:


  1. Love your blog...even though I love diet pepsi! I am your newest follower!

  2. thanks for the comment on my blog! that's okay that you cheer for the "other" team. i'm a ute all the way but being LDS you can't hate the cougs ya know? and i about died when i saw your blog URL. i too am addicted to diet coke. like hard core. it's fun to find others who share my same addiction! love it!! :)
