Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Taking it easy....

Research has shown, or so I have heard read, that occasionally you should take it easy from your rigorous workouts.  A trainer told my friend that every 3 months you should take a week off.  What?! I've never been a believer. 

A week off?  So, my brain (and body for that matter) cannot do that but I sure can take it easy for a week.  Many moons ago I was struggling to lose some weight.  My roommate at the time told me that she used to work out very intensely and then she stopped her high intensity workouts for "easier" ones like walking and sometimes even not working out.

I still couldn't do it.

I am a lover of all things cardio.  I love aerobics classes, running, spinning, etc.  I wear a heartrate monitor and use a Garmin for outdoors.  I'm a fanatic.  So, when someone tells me I must slow down to see results I secretly laugh.  Doesn't my strength and yoga classes count for my taking it easy days?

Well, times have changed.  The past two weeks I've been taking it easy on my cardio days by just walking.  And let me tell you I have lost a few pounds this way.  Even though it killed me not to run after seeing the results it's difficult to go back. :)

Maybe they do know what their talking about.


  1. That is interesting. I won't beat myself up for not exercising next time I go on vaca. :)
