Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday Plus

I have seen this on a few blogs and thought it was a fabulous idea.  They both call it Insta Friday (for Instagram).  They show pictures from their phone of the past week.  Love it.  I might even post it to my personal blog to make sure I remember the every day life kind of things going on.  But instead of calling it Insta Friday here, I'm calling it Friday Plus because my choice of photo editing app is Camera Plus (thanks Mandy!).  So here is our first week in review:

I became a Walgreen's couponer this week.  I'm no pro by any means and I have a lot to learn but I decided to up my game and start doing one drug store as well as my usual Fry's.  My son got to pick out a prize for being so good on our shopping trip.  As big as this sucker was, the price was just right!

We are constantly playing pirates every day of the week.  We try to defeat Captain Hook but sometimes he just gets the best of us.  We also do a rousing rendition of "Arrrr, the mateys!" while playing.
We had a few walls painted in our house.  My son loved watching them work or watching paint dry.  Oh, wait...that was me!  I sat in the room after they were done in complete awe because I loved it!

There you go.  Another week bites the dust!

I'm linking up to:
Life Rearranged


  1. {stopping by from lif rearranged!}. So cute that your kiddos are playing pirates! And, I love paint, too!!!! What color did you paint?

  2. I'm here from Life Rearranged and I also have a major Diet Coke addiction. I love how you play Pirates! How cute.
