Tuesday, October 18, 2011

30 Day Shred

I'm thinking about buying this workout DVD.  Any thoughts out there?  Does anyone use it?  I need your opinions....negative or positive.


  1. It's awesome. I really like here DVDs. My friend and I do a lot of them and I will have to say I feel the burn but am not bored when I do her videos. They are short too which makes it nice for busy people. Oh and I have to laugh at your post about Jason mixing ranch with ketchup. I totally do that too. Taste way better.

  2. I have been contemplating this purchase as well! Id be interested to hear what you think if you do get it!

  3. LOVE THE 30 DAY SHRED! Buy it! It is for sure worth the $9.50! I use 3 and 5 lb weights with it all depending on what the exercise is...but OBVIOUSLY, I haven't done it in a while, but I can't wait to get back into it! My stomach went through way to much to be doing ab exercises yet! From start to finish including warm-up/cool-down it's 27 minutes, and you totally break a sweat! Go buy it ASAP, you won't be disappointed!!!
