Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday Must Haves

Since fall/winter is slowly creeping up on us here in AZ, it can only mean one thing.  More park days ahead!  We've had a few cool days (remember I wore jeans) but now I'm waiting for Mother Nature to make up her mind.  My son and I were able to venture to the zoo and to the park several times during the blessed temps. 

But with park dates comes packing a lunch.  And let me tell you my son eats the same thing every time.  I want to change his lunch up but why pack something he won't eat.  He eats PB and Honey, Cheetos, Juice, and if I'm lucky an apple.  Oh, don't forget the dessert, Mom!  He doesn't seem to mind.  But sometimes the thought of me eating a PB&J just doesn't sound appealing when I'm making the lunch.  Okay, it never sounds appealing.  Don't get me wrong.  I could eat peanut butter by the spoonfulls.  But maybe it was my daily PB&J one year while teaching that did me in.  I'd rather eat something else for these "Winter" park day lunches.  So, I came up with some must-haves for MY lunch. 

1.  Honey Crisp Apples
Okay this deserves a post of it's own but let's just say they are amazing!

2.  Pickles
My friend brought pickles one day in her lunch and then I suddenly got a craving for them.  You know, the little baby kind.  So yummy!  Sweet, cool treat with no calories.

3.  Tuna or Deli lunchmeat sandwich
What to do instead of PB&J?  Try one of these.

4.  Leftovers
Sometimes if we are just headed to the park and will be eating lunch not too long after, I just heat up leftovers really well, pop on the lid, and go.  It stays pretty warm and then I have something good to eat.

What do you pack in your picnic lunches?

1 comment:

  1. I saw the honeycrisp apple and it reminded me of the ones I just had at my brother's house in Boston. Straight from an orchard, they were the best honeycrisps I'd ever had. Seriously, I think it's what all food in heaven must taste like!!
