Tuesday, October 11, 2011

All you need is change!

Last Thursday as I was in my all-time favorite aerobics class (you know the one that made me sore).  Yeah, that one.  Seriously, that teacher is the best.  Anyway, every month she switches up the routine.  This routine was REALLY challenging but good.  At one point I had someone say to me, "Is it just me or does it seem really hard today?"  I said, "It's always hard!"  Then later a woman and I caught eyes just about before we were going to do something and I said, "What is she (our instructor) smokin'?" 
BTW...I live for my Monday and Thursday workouts with THE instructor that kicks are booty!

My point is change is good.  Good for our minds and bodies.  Sometimes we get stuck in a routine and do the same things over and over. Every week I do the classes so thankfully they change up the routine.  But awhile ago, I got sick of it all.  My body wasn't changing.  I was bored of the same old stuff.  So, I signed up for an internet personal trainer that printed daily workouts.  I loved it.  I still have the printouts so if I need to change up my routine I have some new stuff.  Or I use the Nike Training App.  Awesome workouts!

Or training for a race is a good change....especially triathlons (my personal favorite)!

Change is good.  Change is necessary.  So change up your routine!

1 comment:

  1. So what you are saying to me is...any workout is good!! That's a good change!
