Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Oh, my hammy!

In my aerobics class LAST Thursday we did an exericise that made me sore.  I am still suffering.  Seriously, my hamstrings are so tight you could probably play them as an instrument.  But I love being sore.  It means I worked hard or that those muscles haven't been worked in awhile.

Let me introduce you to the exercise that made me sore this past week.

One legged deadlifts.

Our foot was on the bench in the class.  Not sure if it was just the exercise that made my legs sore or the fact that we did a bajillion of these.

Either way I'm sore!  Love/hate relationship for sure.


  1. I thought you were going to be talking about "Moons over my hammy" My favorite thing to order at Dennys as a kid! Darn!

  2. My hamstrings were SO tight too! I'm sure part of it was because I'm a newbie, but that's good to know. :)

  3. those are my all time favorite hamstring workout. No matter how many years I've been doing them, I am ALWAYS sore afterwards.
