Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Plus-Oct. 14th

Here are the pics for the week:

We went to Red Robin for dinner.  My son and I were looking at the machine where you can catch a stuffed animal with the claw.  I told him it was broken because who wins at those things anyway.  Definitely not me!  Anyway, this boy had three animals and I asked him if he won all of them here.  He did.  I told him he was AMAZING because that is unheard of.  Well, the boy decided to give my son one of his animals.  How sweet!  There are still caring, giving people out there.  And my son loves it to pieces already.

Speaking of Red Robin, while we were there my husband always gets a side of ranch with his fries.  All of a sudden he started to squirt ketchup in the ranch.  I seriously gave him the nastiest look and asked him why he was doing that.  He told me not to worry about it.  A minute later he said he was making fry sauce.  Obviously, he is not a Utah native because anyone who is anyone knows it's mayo and ketchup.  I could not stop laughing the rest of the night.  In fact, I'm still chuckling over this one.

I saved my favorite for the end.  This week my son was supposed to take a nap but we walked into this scene once "naptime" was over.  Two days of this.  I need to give him credit that one of the days he actually did fall asleep but the other one was just a party in his crib.  He threw his animals all over the place.  He made sure to let me know how he did it.  I told him that the animals may be making their departure if it continues.  Fingers crossed!

Linking up:

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